Thursday, April 22, 2010

Point Break

I love movies, and that makes very difficult to me to choice only one of them, I think I’ll be unfair with all the other movies I like to talk only about one. So I choice a really fun and interesting movie but I can’t say it’s really my favorite his name is “Point Break” a movie from 1991 directed by Kathryn Bigelow a director today very popular because her good presentation in the Oscar award with his last movie “The Hurt Locker”, but in 1991 it was a average director, and the principal character Keanu Reeves was just one of the lot, and this exact movie help him for make the big step to the “big leagues” in Hollywood. Now back to the movie itself it’s a story about 2 agents of the FBY trying to catch a group of bank robbers, I know it sound just like other hundred movies but it’s very different, the most powerful reasons I think it’s the surf, the surf appears in all the movie and make it very original and fresh in 1991 and still in ours days, the movie explain the surf philosophy and show and other way of life of seeing the world, the movie it’s full of images of the sea and the practice of this wonderful sport and also some moments of parachuting, also it’s amazing in the story the weird thought that produce in the audience, it’s impossible not to understand a little the gang of robbers and his passion for the sea. I saw the movie for the first time like 2 years ago in television and I see it because my father told me about the fascination he feel for it. I forget to mention another of the reason that makes interesting “point break” is the direction of Kathryn Bigelow because always we associate action movie with men but this movie it’s maybe the best action movie I saw and a woman direct it.

P.S: like a bonus the movie has the best foot persecution I ever saw.


  1. I have to be honest .. I think this movie is not the kind of movies that i like xD


  2. Hi tomi! =p

    Your movie sound intersting, maybe if I see the movie Im going to pain atention to the foot persecution.

    See you tomorrow in class =)
