Thursday, April 29, 2010


Yes good education it’s a right because everyone most have the opportunity to learn, and education help people to have equal opportunities and a better life.
Chile has a bad education in comparison with develop countries like USA or New Zealand; it’s a sad reality but is a truth that we have to understand if we want to improve our country, first we need to solve the problem with the teachers because in public school it’s very difficult to fire a bad teacher because the big debt that the state have with the teachers, also we have to make a more efficient and hard system for teach the teachers, because in this moment the teachers in school aren’t the best, and this can’t continue anymore, the teacher would have to be the best and only the best, and we need to change the public opinion for this job because the teacher are the foundation for a great country, and in this moment being a teacher is just a job, and a job that pays almost nothing.
Another big issue it’s about the huge difference between private school and public schools, I think in this moment we couldn’t have a bigger gap, so this can only improve from now on.
I think have a very lucky personal history because I had the luck to study in a descent school with excellent teachers and also have a great family, and that make a lot more easier the way from school to college, I really wish everyone can have the same opportunity but for now we are really far from that, I really don’t know what are the ideas of the new govern, I hope they gonna take the rights decisions.


  1. Hi! I think we have a lot of common in our points of view.

    Ps. That´s a good picture about education

    See you, take care =)

  2. Definitely Chile needs a new perspective about education. I think that secondary students were not listen!


  3. Hi!

    I think that education is a form to reproduced an a social logic, and
    does not allow equal opportunities, is a form of social exclusion.

    It is something we must change!

  4. I think I have to agree with paranoica (whoever that is!) Hopefully, that will change, but I fear it won't be with this government. I hope I am wrong
