Sunday, May 23, 2010

Technology in our Life

I really like technology but only when we see it like a mean and not a objective itself, and when we are not and addict, for example I like internet and I use it everyday but if I can’t, I will not panic, I think technology has to be a help for us and not a trouble. My favorite piece of technology it’s my stereo, I have it since 3 years now, it was a gift from my parents for finishing school, it’s just great, the sound it’s perfect and have a modern look too, when I arrive to Santiago I bring it with me but it’s in boxes and I don’t unboxing it yet.

Before I used everyday but now, I don’t want to, because y used all my time listen music, when I turned on, the music sound just too perfect and I can’t do anything else, I just listen, so it’s a bad idea to used when I have so many things to do for the university,

It’ a little sad not to used it , but I listen music in my mp3 all day but it’s not the same, the power of the music in a good stereo it’s really different.

Also the last few weeks my celphone has been died and at first I think like my life will be harder without it, but to the contrary, I fell really free, and when someone need to call me it call to my sister or to the house phone, so It’s not a problem really, of course I have to buy a new one or repair the old one but for the past 2 weeks I have a really nice time.

P.S: sorry for the delay

1 comment:

  1. a really useful object, specially because is something that make the great music'experience better
    music's life (:
